There are many ways to help.

Help keep us in the air.

AROHWS is launching a game changer fundraiser. The goal is to ensure that the AR1 team is always available when you need them the most! We have set out to raise $400,000 to purchase a winch for our Air Rescue One program between now and June 2022. What is a winch you ask... it’s a hoist that our highly trained team can use to lift and rescue stranded and injured individuals to safety and a winch saves lives!

Calls are missed every week where a human life is at risk when a dedicated winch is not available. AROHWS and its AR1 program have relied on third party suppliers since its inception 7 years ago. This is a critical piece of equipment to this key resource that is AR1.

Thanks to the support of decorated Paralympian, Josh Dueck, the #airrescue500 launched in early December 2021. Just Rocks Landscaping kicked off corporate giving with an initial $30,000 pledge to the campaign and the Vernon Doctors Hockey Tournament has stepped up with another $20,000. See our Donors Page for a complete list of our donors.

Help save lives. Be a part of this game changer.

Share your story.

Sharing the story of your rescue is one of the most powerful ways you can give back. AR1 is called to help people at their moment of crisis in the back country. Your story can help others to see the difference we make, and shows to our funders just how important our service is.

AROHWS is actively working toward collecting the stories of people who have been helped by AR1. If you’re a patient we have flown and would like to share your story please reach out to us.


If you would like to make a financial contribution to help AR1 stay in the air, you can donate through Canada Helps.



We’re always on the lookout for people who would like to help and give back to AR1. If you are interested in making a difference in the community and volunteering your time, we would love to hear from you.